Thursday, September 3, 2009

PLN- The University of Web 2.0

Here is a little exercise I have engaged in that this group might find int=
eresting or useful. Throughout the year, I will be taking time to attend va=
rious "Web 2.0 Universities". What can we learn, what can we find if we tak=
e the time to personally engage in these spaces? My first stop has been Dii=
go U. Never heard of it? Diigo University is a wonderful example of distrib=
uted knowledge. However, the knowledge is organized in ways that can be use=
ful to you and make it easy to find things of value. I have attended two se=
ssions at Diigo U. and have already found some interesting stuff. I have bl=
ogged about this and will continue to add additional resources and bits of =
knowledge from Diigo U. over the remainder of this week and next. After tha=
t time, I will visit another Web 2.0 University to see what gems can be ext=
racted from there. I hope to keep this up throughout the year so that by th=
e end of the school year, I will have an artifact of learning from the Univ=
ersity of Web 2.0 along with personal reflections of the journey. Enjoy the=
first two days in class as chronicled here:
Day 1:
Day 2:

I would love to learn how others are building their PLN through Web 2.0 exp=


Chris Bigenho
Director of Educational Technology
Greenhill School
4141 Spring Valley Road
Addison, TX 75001
Ph. 972-628-5479
Fx. 972-628-5279<><>

Twitter: bigenhoc
AIM: chris bigenho
Yahoo: chris_bigenho
Skype: chris_bigenho
Tapped In: ChrisWB

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