Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Re: Liabiltiy Waiver Agreement??


We currently sell all of our old lab desktop machines and a few laptops
every year. And like Tom wrote, many of our purchasers are staff members
who may not feel they can afford a new machine. We have no problems
whatsoever. Why?

1) We have them sign a paper which says "as-is".
2) We ask them, point blank.. "You understand that we can't support and
fix this machine for free, correct?" Since we do work on non-school Macs
(we're authorized), we just charge our normal rate if they need fixing
after the sale.
3) We charge $50 per desktop and $75 per laptop. Buyers know they are
getting a dirt-cheap price and therefore acknowledge the risk. They also
know that we wouldn't sell them something that is dead, BUT we tell them
we don't know how long it will last. For $50, they are willing to take the

I don't have my document handy, but I'll provide it to anyone upon direct

Peter Hoopes
Director of Technology
St. Andrew's School

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