Monday, September 28, 2009

Re: What would you do with a one year sabbatical?

Wonderful Contemplation, Fred!
MVS has formally established one sister school (in Nanjing, China) and =
informally pursued three others. I would propose using the year to =
formally visit sister schools to experience their school cultures =
first-hand, while also extending the arrangements/opportunities for future =
teacher and student exchanges. Our unofficial goal is a formal exchange =
relationship on each "habitable" continent. Antarctica remains research =
based . . .
Happy Monday,
Samuel Wagner, V
Head of Upper School
The Miami Valley School
5151 Denise Drive
Dayton, OH 45429

MVS Phone: 937.434.4444, ext 128
MVS Fax: 937.434.1033

>>> Fred Bartels <> 9/28/2009 9:35 AM >>>
Just to get the question out of the way... no, my school does not provide
sabbatical years.=20

However, let's just imagine that a school did provide sabbaticals, and a
requirement of the year was that you spend time investigating in depth
some question related to education and information technology.

What would you spend the year investigating?

Thanks for any brainstorms you are willing to send the list's way.


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The Miami Valley School is the Dayton area's only independent college =
preparatory school. Experience excellence at MVS.

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