Tuesday, September 29, 2009

policies on recording classes

Dear Colleagues,

We recently had the opportunity to explore the use of the Pulse Pen
for a student with dyslexia. After the pilot exploration of the
recording device, several interesting questions have arisen. Teachers
express concerns about equity, privacy, informed consent, full
disclosure, acceptable usage, and consequences for inappropriate
usage, among many other ramifications of recording class discussion
and lecture.

I am writing to all of you to ask:

1. What is your policy for determining accommodations involving
assistive technology for students who have diagnosed need?
2. Do you allow tape recorders, laptops in class and other types of
technological tools to allow students to access course content, or
demonstrate their understanding of material?
3. What types of discussions has your school had about students
recording classes, either audio or video, with laptops?

Many thanks for your experience and wisdom in the field!

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