Thursday, September 24, 2009

Re: Primary School Technologies

We don't have scheduled tech times. There is a cart of Mac laptops that =
K-1 students use when needed, and a cart of PC laptops for the 2nd and =
3rd graders. The tools we used last year:

Word - Writing
Powerpoint - Presentations
Kidspiration - Organization and Writing
Pixie 2 - Drawing and Presentations
WikiSpaces - Group projects and partner class projects
MixBook & Digital Cameras - creating ebooks with lots of pictures
Audacity - Podcasts
WebBlender - Websites (This interfaces well with Pixie 2, so even 1st =
graders can create webpages)

The majority of tech is used by the teachers to teach with rather than =
the hands-on student projects. Smartboards are in K and 3rd and are on =
almost the entire day. K-3 all use online tools like Discovery =
Streaming videos and BrainPop Jr. The hands on tech is used as needed, =
and often it is used only by a few kids in a class for a given project, =
then the next project will have different kids using the tech. =20

Renee Ramig
Seven Hills School

-----Original Message-----
From: A forum for independent school educators on behalf of Ademola =
Sent: Thu 9/24/2009 7:58 AM
Subject: Primary School Technologies
Our Primary School Head (Gr.K-2) would very much like to have her =
incorporate more technology into what they're already doing in the
classroom. My depth of knowledge relating to tech tools for this =
is mostly lacking. I'm more familiar with tools geared toward Grades 3 =

I'd like to throw out there - what technology integration tools are you
currently using in your K-2 grades? What tools do your teachers find =
the kids and the teacher?

One of the nifty tools I've run into is the Teachermate, offered by =
for Learning <>.

I appreciate all insight; and thanks in advance.

Ademola Popoola
Sacred Heart Schools Chicago

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