Thursday, September 24, 2009

Re: Primary School Technologies

A forum for independent school educators <ISED-L@LISTSERV.SYR.EDU> on Thursday, September 24, 2009 at 5:51 PM -0600 wrote:
>I'd like to throw out there - what technology integration tools are you
>currently using in your K-2 grades? What tools do your teachers find benefit
>the kids and the teacher?

The use of tools that build critical thinking, programming and some aspects of engineering is the emphasis of the engineering and programming curriculum for grades K-5. The tools used K-2 are

Valiant Roamers programming, estimation of distances, directions, music, etc.

Scratch programming software (free) from MIT

Keva planks maple planks used by architects for building - engineering aspects

Regular Lego Kits not the kits that are used to build something specific. We did start with the kits that would have students build from 2 dimensions to 3, but in recent years have found this isn't a challenge for the Ks and are moving to just having
Legos and discussing how to build something strong etc.

NXT this is new to me, but one of our Engineering & Programming (E&P) specialists went to Tufts in August and is introducing to K-2 building a chair for a bear etc. focusing on building for strength etc. He is very excited about what he learned.

Programs that are utilized in the lab besides the above are MicroWorlds Jr, Inspiration, and programs written by a former Blake faculty - Tom Bretl. Check out his web page for Darts, Reckon (2nd semester 2nd grade, 3rd grade and above use, and Algernon.

There are other titles but for older grades.


Marilyn Kelley Director of ISS (v) 952-988-3408 (f) 952-988-3412

"It is only with the heart that one can see rightly. What is essential is invisible to the eye." The Little Prince

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