Monday, September 28, 2009

Re: What would you do with a one year sabbatical?

Great question....
I love visiting other schools as a way of gathering good ideas, so I'd
probably use the year to travel and talk to other educators. I specifically
would want to visit schools with great design, creative academic programs
that leverage technology, and/or effective professional learning
communities. I'd also be interested in visiting schools that are known for
having particularly visionary leadership. Maybe I would interview various
people and podcast these interviews, so that others could learn along the
way, too.

Lucy Gray
Education Technology Specialist
Center for Elementary Mathematics and Science Education
University of Chicago
773-834-5214 (Office)
682-233-5829 (Google Voice)
Sent from Chicago, IL, United States

On Mon, Sep 28, 2009 at 8:35 AM, Fred Bartels

> Just to get the question out of the way... no, my school does not provide
> sabbatical years.
> However, let's just imagine that a school did provide sabbaticals, and a
> requirement of the year was that you spend time investigating in depth
> some question related to education and information technology.
> What would you spend the year investigating?
> Thanks for any brainstorms you are willing to send the list's way.
> Fred
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