Monday, September 28, 2009

Re: What would you do with a one year sabbatical?

Some great suggestions so far. I'd like to study how technology is being us=
ed to support differentiated instruction. That would involve visiting schoo=
ls, and talking with those in educational research and technology. Since di=
fferentiated instruction is the most labor-intensive activity for a teacher=
, I'd like to learn if there is potential in software design and artificial=
intellegence to ease the burden for teachers, and provide an effective mec=
hanism for one-to-one diagnosis and/or learning when mainstream instruction=
falls short for specific students.


On 9/28/09 9:35 AM, "Fred Bartels" <> wrote:

Just to get the question out of the way... no, my school does not provide
sabbatical years.

However, let's just imagine that a school did provide sabbaticals, and a
requirement of the year was that you spend time investigating in depth
some question related to education and information technology.

What would you spend the year investigating?

Thanks for any brainstorms you are willing to send the list's way.


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Joel Backon
Director of Academic Technology / History
Choate Rosemary Hall
333 Christian St.
Wallingford, CT 06492

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