Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Re: Whipple Hill vs FinalSite

I also echo what the others have said.

We went live with our new site with FinalSite about a month ago

No cost surprises at all, it was what they said it was. We're on a 5 year
contract which spells out the costs for that entire time. So it rules out
any surprises.

They listen well and the design they came up with was right on with what our
team was looking for. Even though they were not in the meetings, it was as
if they were. The people at FinalSite are honest and easy to get along
with...the kind that you'd grab a cup of coffee with and talk for hours.

In terms of data, you just dump data to the Excel templates they provide and
then they upload them for you. For the actual content, it's up to someone on
your end to put it all together. We used that as an opportunity to
completely rewrite all the content on our site.


On 11/26/08 4:40 PM, "Betsy Hunt" <ehunt@lincolnschool.org> wrote:

> We LOVE Finalsite! I am the Webmaster at Lincoln School
> www.lincolnschool.org and we work with Finalsite. They are wonderful to
> work with in every way. I echo what everyone else has said. Rolling out
> and maintaining our site is a pleasure!
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