Monday, May 17, 2010

Re: QUERY- Middle School Final Exams


1) Only our 8th graders take final exams, and then only in their
foreign language courses, except for the two students who are taking
Algebra II. These courses are all based in our upper school. No middle
school courses give finals, and indeed no middle school courses give
exams at all.
2) Departments set general guidelines for format and content, with
teachers receiving a lot of latitude within these guidelines.
3) The upper school has exams at 9:00 and 1:00 on Tuesday and
Wednesday of our last week. Exams last at least one and up to two
hours. The middle school has regular class days then, adjusted
slightly to fit the upper school exam schedule as needed.

Take care,
Bill Ivey
Middle School Dean
Stoneleigh-Burnham School

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