Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Web Hosting in Secondary Schools

Folks --

I'm wondering if anyone has experience with or knows of secondary schools
that provide web hosting for their students. I mean web hosting in the sens=
of: "here's a directory on the web server, have at it!" -- a l=E0 a (good)
ISP, or a college UNIX-account from ten years ago. I'm particularly
interested in:

- What education is done with the students before providing and during
this kind of access?
- What tracking/monitoring/policing is done with these student web
- What unexpected outcomes were there (good or bad)?
- Is there a set of best practices (either for the school or the
students)? What is it?

My experience has been that colleges that provide this kind of access seem
to get both wonderful, bizarre, incredible student work... but also
pornography and warez hosting. I don't think I know of any secondary school=
that have done this, and I'm contemplating the balance of legal exposure,
student learning, and serendipity that this might develop.


-- S

Seth Battis / / / @battis / (323) 638-738=

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