Monday, November 23, 2009

Wear, tear, loss and theft for loaned equipment


Wondering how various schools handle wear/tear and loss/theft issues for
loaned equipment, both to employees and students when possible. If a laptop
drops and is broken, does your IT department eat the cost? Any experiences,
good or bad, with charging a theft (or some portion of it) out of a salary
or adding it to tuition bills?

Also would love to hear if anybody's taken a more pro-active approach,
either in bonuses or recognition for well-taken-care-of hardware or not
having to file a helpdesk ticket to fix things (rewarding preventative
medicine like anti-virus, so to speak).

Thanks, and happy almost Thanksgiving!


p.s.: I might put some suggestions into a blog post. I won't use your words
or name without explicit permission. Thanks!

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