Wednesday, November 25, 2009

A Brief Introduction

After being a co-manager of ISED-L for over six years, Curt Lieneck asked me
to take over his role as co-manager of ISED-L as he needs to focus his
attention on other things (please see Curt's 9/27 post). I've been following
ISED-L for as long as I can remember both as a teacher and technology
director and I have benefitted much from the many great ISED-L discussion
threads, so I was more than happy to accept Curt's offer and give a little
back to ISED-L.

Managing a listserv is much like many other technology responsibilities; if
we do our job well you won't even know we are doing anything. So my hope is
that you won't hear from me again with my co-manager hat on :)

Lastly, a few words about myself. I began teaching math and physics in 1993
at the Hun School of Princeton in Princeton NJ and was there until 1997.
After testing the waters briefly in the business world, I returned to
teaching joining Newton Country Day School in Newton MA in 1998. While at
NCDS I became the technology director. In 2001 I joined the Peddie School in
Hightstown NJ as technology director.

I am also very familiar with LSoft's listserv software (the software that
runs the ISED-L listserv) since we host an LSoft powered listserv at Peddie.
While hosting a listserv is not a huge job, it does take time so I want to
take this opportunity to publicly thank the techies at Syracuse University
for their generosity in continuing to host the ISED-L list.

Thanks and long live the great discussion threads on ISED-L :) !!

Tom Phelan
Co-Manager, Independent School Educator's Listserv (ISED-L)

Director of Technology
Peddie School

[ For info on ISED-L see ]
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