Friday, November 20, 2009

Imagining a virtual meta school

What is a virtual meta school?

It is a virtual learning environment created collaboratively by a group of

Perhaps the best current example of a virtual meta school is the Online
School for Girls.

During the month of February I hope that many of you will join me in a
design charrette focused on brainstorming and planning a virtual meta
school. The name I've coined for this to-be-imagined school is EVA, which is
an acronym for Earth Virtual Academy.

A wiki ( and ning discussion ( ) are in
place to facilitate the brainstorming. Between now and February they can be
used to gather information related to virtual education.

Why do this?

I believe there are major educational opportunities opened up by Web 2.0
technologies which we are failing to grasp because of outmoded mental
models. This will be a chance to collaboratively deconstruct, examine and
perhaps rebuild some of these models.

If you need some inspiration to get started you might want to give these
Michael Wesch talks a try.



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