Friday, November 20, 2009

Re: Is Typing Speed Important Anymore

While 60wpm is wonderful (I can do 75), is it really necessary for everyone?
30wpm seems reasonable enough to me. And really, as you think about it, as
I'm writing this missive, I'm probably not anywhere near even 60wpm because
I'm stopping to get my thoughts together, stopping to sneeze, pausing to
talk to a student, etc. In real life, probably no one types under the
conditions of a typing test. No one types a straight set without stopping
within a set time limit. There's a lot of starting and stopping of the kind
I just mentioned.

And all that starting and stopping is the reason why I (knock on wood)
haven't gotten Carpal Tunnel. I type a little, lean back with my hands
behind my head for a minute to think about what I wrote, maybe go back to
recast that sentence, go back to typing, and so on. I never type a whole
page non-stop.

Yeah, I'm thinking that 30wpm is respectable, and 60+ is Olympic.


Keith E Gatling
The fact that I'm open-minded doesn't mean that I have to agree with you.

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