Friday, January 22, 2010

Re: Wording for Ethnic Identification on Enrollment Applications

A great resource for developing policy on why your school collects ethnic/r=
acial information would be the NAIS Principle of Good Practice (PGP) for Eq=
uity and Justice,

The Equity and Justice PGP focuses on "Creating and sustaining an inclusive=
, equitable, and just independent school community requires commitment, ref=
lection, conscious, and deliberate action, as well as constant vigilance ba=
sed on the overarching principles of inclusivity, diversity, and multicultu=
ralism. The following Principles of Good Practice for Equity and Justice pr=
ovide the foundation for such a community."

Therefore, data must be collected and evaluated to ensure schools are meeti=
ng goals and objectives related to Equity and Justice. The comments below =
are examples posted by other schools on the NAIS Admissions listserve. (You=
can join various listserves and access threads on their forums at this lin=
. )

1. We include it as optional and state that the information is for sta=
tistical purposes only (NAIS and our own). Almost everyone fills it in and =
no one has complained so far. This info is also sought on the Common Applic=
ation for colleges. Preceding the request, it states, "No information you p=
rovide will be used in a discriminatory manner."

2. We do not include it on our application, but send out an "Ethnicity=
Self-Report" with enrollment contract. We use NAIS categories and also hav=
e a "prefer not to respond" option. Have used it for two years, have had no=
complaints, and most parents return the form. We do not "chase" the forms =
that do not come back. As the person who previously "identified" the ethnic=
ity of students, this works much better for us

3. We added a line at the bottom of our enrollment contract that says,=
"For statistical purposes, please mark the ethnic group with which your chi=
identifies." Then we have a list: African American, Asian American, Caucasi=
an, Latino/Hispanic, Middle Eastern, Multiracial, Native American.

4. We would not want to ask this during the application process. Howev=
er, we do ask the optional question on our Family Data Sheet which is maile=
d to all current families and contains biographical info, emergency numbers=
, etc. We use the racial/ethnic categories which NAIS uses and add "Other".=
We do not receive complaints about it.



Patrick F. Bassett, President
N A T I O N A L A S S O C I A T I O N O F I N D E P E N D E N T S C H O=
1620 L St., NW, Washington, DC 20036
202.973.9710 (Office)
202.746.5444 (Cell)
202-247-9667 (Fax)<><http://www.nais.or=

This email is to be considered a confidential communication not to be forwa=
rded or shared unless otherwise explicitly noted.

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