Thursday, October 29, 2009

Two weeks until NEIT!


It's now just two weeks until the NEIT conference at Mohonk. Can't you almo=
st smell the earthy scents of the fireplace and taste the delights of the d=
esert table? If the NEIT wiki is a harbinger of things to come, this year's=
gathering looks to be

engaging, inspirational and down right fun. Be sure to include your voice =
in the conversations already started here<>.

Get acquainted with our Keynotes

We couldn't be happier to be joined on Wednesday afternoon by Siva Vaidhyan=
athan, and on Friday morning by Michael Wesch.

Siva Vaidhyanathan is a cultural historian and media scholar, and is curren=
tly an associate professor of media studies and law at the University of Vi=
rginia. His session is titled "The Googlization of Everything: How one comp=
any is disrupting culture,

commerce and community ...and why we should worry". It will be a critical i=
nterpretation of the actions and intentions behind the cultural behemoth th=
at is Google, Inc.

Michael Wesch, dubbed "the explainer" by Wired magazine, is a cultural anth=
ropologist exploring the effects of new media on society and culture. His v=
ideos on culture, technology, education, and information have been viewed b=
y millions, translated in

over 15 languages, and are frequently featured at international film festiv=
als and major academic conferences worldwide. His session is titled "Mediat=
ed Culture / Mediated Education".

There are a few of Michael Wesch's videos posted on the official NEIT confe=
rence page<>.

See what the NEIT conference has to offer

Are you registered for the 2009 NYSAIS Education and Information Technology=
Conference (NEIT2009)? If not, why not? It's not too late to register.

Still on the fence? Watch the slideshow below for some ideas on why you nee=
d to be there. Bring your library and technology colleagues, as well. We're=
looking forward to seeing you there.

More Information & Registration

For registration and further information on the 2009 NEIT Conference, check=
the official NYSAIS page.<

To start gathering ideas and to collaborate on the process, visit the NEIT =

Best Regards,

The NEIT Committee

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