Wednesday, October 21, 2009

RETHINK IT, ReFresh IT Conference - Montreal

Can you think of a better place to be than in Montreal in November?

Come join the many colleagues from Canadian schools to share thoughts
during the ReTHINK IT, ReFresh it Conference, held in Montreal on November
12-13, 2009. This conference is hosted by Lower Canada College and Selwyn
House School.

This conference brings together leaders, mostly from across Canada, to shar=
best practices on the changing nature of IT in learning environments, new
innovations and innovative practices using emerging technologies. The
conference features a keynote by Alan November on Thursday November 12,
followed by a panel session on the theme : =B3 What Aptitudes are Students
Learning that goes beyond Technology=B2.

If you were thinking of a trip to Montreal in late fall... Then please come
an join us.. Open to all.

The =B3ReThink IT, ReFresh IT=B9 conference welcomes administrators, teachers,
librarians, and IT personnel.

A full description and more information is posted at

Vincent Jansen
Director of Information Technology
Lower Canada College
4090 Royal Avenue
Montreal, QC
H4A 2M5
T: 514 482 9916
F: 514 482 0195

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