Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Re: Websites beyond the "official"

Not yet, except for one which was not a "social site". In fact, it was an outside entity
that challenged fair use of a copyrighted but no longer offered book. Copyright was
followed, but lawyers got into the way. We have been hesitant to challenge the "new"
[IMHO] unconstitutional, view of copyright law.

What can I say? It's a new world!

>Hi David,
>I am curious if you have had any incidents of teachers, parents or students reacting
>badly to website content created by a teacher either in collaboration with students or
>on their own? Have teachers acted out and spoken on behalf of the school? Are we
>talking about sites like Facebook or other sites like Nings, voicethreads, etc. etc.
>Just curious,
>Matt Pearson
>Director of Technology, Security and Safety, MCDS

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