Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Re: Teacher Assessment/Professional Development

A good method for assessing teachers' levels of technology proficiency is=
to require teachers to submit a portfolio demonstrating a variety of tec=
hnology skills. Align the skills you want to evaluate with what "21st cen=
tury" skills you have embedded or want to embed in your unit planning and=
curriculum. Also, articulate your expections for skill level of the port=
folio's contents, using, as a starting point, your state's technology pro=
ficiency standards for both students and teachers. Create a skills scorin=
g rubric: Basic/Proficient/Advanced/Expert.
-----Original Message-----
From: Joshua Sommermeyer [mailto:jsommermeyer@clhscadets.com]
Sent: Tuesday, October 27, 2009 12:45 PM
Subject: Re: Teacher Assessment/Professional Development

How are you planning to assess? In HIS Service, Joshua D. Sommermeyer Ass=
istant Principal for Curriculum and Technology Concordia Lutheran High Sc=
hool - Ft. Wayne jsommermeyer@clhscadets.com (o) 260.483.1102 x214 (c) 26=
0.446.7658 skype - jsommermeyer twitter - jsommermeyer On Tue, Oct 27, 20=
09 at 12:20 PM, Stephanie Oberle < soberle@francisparker.org> wrote: > My=
colleague and I have been charged with the task of finding a program or =
> sources that would help us assess the level of technology each staff me=
mber > has and then make an Individualized learning plan for each member =
to fill > the gap. We have looked into > Atomic Learning and eCoach. Are =
there any other options out there that you > would recommend? > > > > [ F=
or info on ISED-L see http://www.gds.org/ISED-L ] > Submissions to ISED-L=
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