Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Transfer Grades

Hello everyone!

I am forwarding along a concern that's come up recently in our high
school. We would appreciate any help that our colleagues on the High
School side of the desk can offer! =20

We have a new academic dean at my school, and we are currently working
on revising and formalizing our method of handling the grades of
transfer students. Many incoming students come from schools with
grading scales that differ from ours. Our scale is=20
98-100 A+
95-97 A
93-94 A-
91-92 B+
88-90 B
86-87 B-
83-85 C+
79-82 C
75-78 C-
70-74 D
Below 70 F

In addition, our GPA is calculated using the following system with .5
weighting given to all honors and AP courses.
A-, A, A+ =3D 4.0
B+ =3D 3.5
B-, B =3D 3.0
C+ =3D 2.5
C-, C =3D 2.0
D =3D 1.0

Finally, our transcripts show percentage grades for each semester and
the final year grade, and then our grading scale is displayed at the
bottom of it.

I am wondering how other schools handle grades for transfer students and
would appreciate any information you can give me about your policies and
1. If you display percentages on your transcript, do you adjust the
incoming student's percentages to maintain the letter grade received at
their previous school?
2. How do you enter grades if the transcript from the previous school
only displays letter grades?
3. Do you include grades from other schools in the student's cumulative

Thank you all for any input you can give.

Jenifer Pence
Dean of Students
The Independent School Upper School
686-0152 ext. #304#

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