Monday, April 20, 2009

Re: School policy on steps performed before a student owned computer is imaged

Fred, we have been 1:1 for about 9 years now. We've evolved to the
- students are expected to backup academic work on school servers
- students are expected to backup personal data on personal sources

Now, if a student computer needs imaged, we do the following:
- dump their documents and settings folder (Windows) to a USB hard drive
- reimage hard drive
- move documents and settings folder back
- return computer to student

The process, while getting much longer, is one we still use, and still
value. The time cost of a machine copying for a few minutes to a few
hours is not worth a student losing even their personal data.

We must admit that not all of us, not all our faculty, and not all of
our students backup their work frequently enough. Computer hard drives
are fragile, and flakey, we don't want to punish our students on top of
that fact. The technology office wants to have a cooperative
relationship with students, rather than an antagonistic one. There is no
good reason to lose $1,000 of iTunes music when you could just as easily
back it up.

That being said, we will take that opportunity to talk to them about how
lucky they were not to lose it, and how they can prevent loss in the


arvind s grover
Director of Technology
The Hewitt School
45 East 75th St
New York, NY 10021
T. (212) 994-2613
F. (212) 639-9366

-----Original Message-----
From: A forum for independent school educators
[mailto:ISED-L@LISTSERV.SYR.EDU] On Behalf Of Stein, Mr. Fred
Sent: Monday, April 20, 2009 11:37 AM
Subject: School policy on steps performed before a student owned
computer is imaged

Good morning all,

In the past our tech department has backed up all data (music, pictures,
movies, and data) on student owned laptops before we image them. This
process has become very cumbersome and time consuming. Please share
with me your schools current policy on imaging student owned laptops.

Fred =20

Fred Stein=20
Network Administrator=20
The Hill School=20
717 E. High Street
Pottstown, PA 19464


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