Monday, October 29, 2007

Suggestions on Parent Communication Systems (UNCLASSIFIED)

Classification: UNCLASSIFIED=20
Caveats: NONE


As the tech savvy member of a school's board I have been tasked with
finding a Parent Communication System and would appreciate any
suggestions. Ideally it would be:
--Hosted since the school does not have the infrastructure to install or
maintain a system.
--Pricing that scales to accommodates a small school (200 students.
150ish families)
--Capable of emergency/non-emergency phone calls and sms with ways for
parents to differentiate between the two.
--Capable of emergency/non-emergency email with multiple lists and
ability to include attachments.
--Parents manage their own data through a web interface and can
subscribe to various lists (e.g. 1st grade list but not After School
list) with school admin approval (or allow room parents to manage the

In searching the archives I came across the following suggestions from
last year but nothing recent, and none of them fit the precise
requirement. Thus far School Reach seems closest. I would appreciate
any other suggestions. =20

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Jason Johnson - Program Director
Web Services Branch - Walter Reed Army Medical Center Ingenium (ISO
9001:2000 certified)
Office: 202-782-1047
Cell: 202-262-0516
Classification: UNCLASSIFIED=20
Caveats: NONE

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