Monday, October 22, 2007

Re: School Dances - Alternatives?

We have middle school (approx 240 students) socials once per
trimester. They last from about 6:30-9:30. Our parent association
sells refreshments (sandwiches, soda, popcorn, etc.) in the entry
way. We have a DJ in the main hall (normally a multipurpose meeting
room) and about 4 adults to keep dancing appropriate; all music is
administrator approved. In nearby classrooms (projecting from LCD
projectors), we have:
+Dance Dance Revolution (school bought a set)
+An age-appropriate Disney movie (our media specialist pays the
performance rate)
+1-2 Xbox rooms with G-rated games
+Just outside the area, we have a basketball court and playground.
Each of these areas have 2+ adults (including a significant number of
parent volunteers) supervising.
Each faculty member does one dance.
State law requires us to hire an off-duty sheriff's deputy as well.
In addition, our campus security focus their rounds.
We have 80-90% of our students attend each dance.

After 14 years teaching in a public school and being horrified by the
lack of supervision and constructive activities at school dances,
this was a pleasant surprise. Boy/girl interaction is quite age-
appropriate; all activities are student-driven and well-supervised.

Tami Brass
In times of change, learners inherit the Earth, while the learned
find themselves beautifully equipped to deal with a world that no
longer exists. -- Eric Hoffer

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