Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Re: 6th Grade Admissions Process

Hi Tracey:
Our applicants for sixth grade visit with the sixth grade in the middle
school, so that the middle school faculty may evaluate the candidates. Once
a student is accepted, they have the opportunity to visit with our fifth
grade for a day.


Sandra Cordes-Vaughan,
Middle School Division Leader
Humanities Instructor
The Sage School
171 Mechanic Street
Foxboro, MA 02035
P: 508-543-9619, Ext. 319
E: scordes-vaughan@sageschool.org

The Sage School is a private independent school dedicated to providing an
educational program that serves the needs of academically gifted girls and
boys ages 4 to 14 in the greater Boston and Providence areas. Visit us
online at www.sageschool.org.

Where gifted children grow.

[ For info on ISED-L see http://www.gds.org/ISED-L ]
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