Saturday, October 20, 2007

Dance chaperone recruiting (wise humor)

Normally I wouldn't do this, but I do believe this is worth sharing. The
fine work of Rob Thacher of Dedham Country Day School--Peter Gow

----- Original Message -----

Good Morning All,
As Halloween approaches, this seems an opportune time to remind ourselves
that the ancient Greeks believed that catharsis was necessary to our
mental health -- frightening ourselves silly at a Halloween horror movie;
crying a river over a tragic play or novel; even laughing wildly at the
exhilarating absurdities of a farce -- putting ourselves vicariously
through these ups and downs makes us whole people, and prevents us from
having to live the horror, tragedy, and farce ourselves.

If, on the off chance, you are missing this vicarious horror, tragedy, and
farce in your life -- do we have great news for you!! If you act now,
spaces are still available to chaperone Middle School dances!

* Relive the sweaty palms and palpitating heart of your youth -- at no
risk to your own emotional well-being!

* Experience the uncertainty, the questionable decision-making -- at no
risk of being rejected or grounded!

* Best of all, spend some extracurricular time with the students you THINK
YOU KNOW.....and learn the truth!

In all seriousness, we could use any help available; and believe it or
not, Middle School kids LOVE to see teachers and coaches outside the
classroom and playing fields. Please let us know if you think you might
be available from 7:00 to 9:30 PM on any of these dates....

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