Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Projector question

For the second time in two weeks I have replaced the lamp in an
InFocus LP640(cousin of the ASKProxima C180) only to have the lamp
not strike. Tech support concluded (after trying some lamp counter
reset button pushes) that the unit needs service. It is 6 months past
the three year warranty . At a minimum it would cost $390 which we
are not going to do. Two questions:

(1) Has anyone else suffered this same lamp goes/projector goes
issue ? I spoke to the tech folks at the AV company we use and they
told me of a power supply issue.

(2) I wonder if there is a magic button push combination that resets
the power management ? Yes, wishful thinking.

BTW: I am replacing the InFocus/ASK Proxima units with Sanyo XU87 &
XU84 projectors.


Carl Campion
Director of Academic Technology
Archmere Academy

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