Monday, August 3, 2009

iPod Touches and iPhone Apps

Hi again -
I'm hearing some buzz from schools starting to pilot iPod Touches and I'm
wondering if
schools on the list are considering this as well. If so, what grade
levels are involved in your initiatives? What apps are you putting on
the Touches?
How are you sync the devices?
What curricular goals are you trying to address? For instance, a friend is
running this program at the Atlanta Girls' School and I think it has a lot
of promise:

I'm also curious as to whether you have favorite apps that you use
personally and also ones that you might be recommending to administrators.
My personal favorites are the Everyblock, Facebook, Zillow, Camera Bag, Spin
Art, and another one that shows you gas stations, coffee shops etc around
you. I think it's called Around Me, but I'm not looking at my phone this
moment. My own children now have a splitter and an iPod Touch to share;
videos they seem to like include Super Why and Dragon Fly TV podcasts,
Smithsonian Kids and National Geographic Kids videos, and videos from WGBH
Teachers' Domain. They also love the UNO game application, which I think is
pretty cleverly designed.

Anyway, curious to hear your thoughts on all this... I'm also excited about
the recent buzz that a larger device might be coming from Apple. I'm
crossing my fingers that this will happen soon rather than later!

Lucy Gray
Education Technology Specialist
Center for Elementary Mathematics and Science Education
University of Chicago
773-834-5214 (Office)
682-233-5829 (Google Voice)

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