Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Re: Faculty Computer Proficiency Assessments

Atomic Learning has developed the type of assessments you are seeking in collaboration with ISTE. They are not free, but not overly expensive either. There is info about them on the ISTE website.
Jim Lerman
Kean University

-----Original Message-----
>From: Karen Ortiz <kortiz@graland.org>
>Sent: Apr 7, 2009 5:55 PM
>Subject: Faculty Computer Proficiency Assessments
>I have been asked to look for an online tool to assess our faculty's basic computer skills. We would like to certify basic proficiency based upon this assessment. In particular we are looking for a tool that would assess, track and potentially prescribe remediation for parts of the 3rd Model Digital-Age Work and Learning NETS-T 2008 standard, or what was previously the Technology Operations and Concepts for NETS-T 2000. We are using the Mac platform; ideally some of the content would be Mac OS specific.
>Most of what I have found are either 8th grade proficiency assessments or faculty self-evaluation tools. Please advise as to your experience and any recommendations.
>Thank you
>Karen M. Ortiz
>Technology Specialist and Integration Coach
>Graland Country Day School
>voice: 303.336.3771
>Board of Directors
>CO Technology In Education Conference
>2009 Rocky Mountain TIE
>Copper Mountain Resort
>June 23-26, 2009
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