Thursday, August 26, 2010

Re: Looking to connect with Wordle...

This is great! One of the first things that I have the sixth graders to do=
is to create a Wordle about themselves. In addition, I can have each team=
to brainstorm character traits of a "Digital Native" and then have each st=
udent to create a "Team Wordle". When do you need the samples?

Darina Glover-Russell
Director of Instructional Technology
Independent Day School-Corbett Campus
12015 Orange Grove Avenue
Tampa, FL 33618
(813)961-3087 ext. 365

From: Matt Melnick []
Sent: Thursday, August 26, 2010 10:42 AM
To: A forum for independent school educators
Cc: Joyce Burick Swarzman; Karen Waksman; Darina Glover
Subject: Looking to connect with Wordle...

Hi everyone. We have a project to start off our year that we are very proud=
of here at Independent Day School in Tampa, Florida. Our kickoff unit is a=
bout "Digital Natives" and we are discussing the character traits that one =
would have as a responsible Digital Native. Each student is creating a Word=
le Project about their reflections on this topic and we are looking to shar=
e them with another school who might be interested in connecting on this to=
pic with third, fourth and fifth graders.

Please email me directly or through the Listserv to discuss this further or=
present any thought or ideas.

Thanks so much. I hope everyone is off to a fantastic year!

Mr. Mel
Technology Teacher
Independent Day School, Tampa, FL

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