Sunday, August 29, 2010

Re: Cursive

Yes, we can learn to use digital tools without sacrificing writing, =
drawing, painting and manipulatives.

Chris Delmar
Technology Program Director
Christ Episcopal School
109 South Washington Street
Rockville, MD 20850

-----Original Message-----
From: A forum for independent school educators on behalf of Libby =
Sent: Thu 5/27/2010 5:45 PM
Subject: Re: Cursive
Learning cursive can and should be, IMHO, be embedded into every 2nd, =
3rd, 4th tool-user's day! A mere 15 minute daily practice time allows =
for the development of this basic and very necessary kinestheic graphic, =
fine motor skill. Developing the unique and individual "look" of my =
students' writing is equally as important as developing voice, content, =
organization, and style. I continue to teach cursive and keyboarding. =
There is plenty of time for both!=20

-----Original Message-----,From: Renee Ramig =

Sent: Thursday, May 27, 2010 04:41 PM
Subject: Cursive

I always think about how much time my 2nd and 3rd (and even 4th) grade =
teachers spend teaching cursive versus teaching keyboarding. Now compare =
that to the number of students that will be using cursive versus the =
number of kids that will be typing on a computer. I personally think we =
should take the time used to teach cursive and spend it helping students =
learn to keyboard at the fastest and most accurate that they can. I too =
have not written in cursive during my adult lifetime. I type 99% of =
everything, and what I do write out is printed. I just looked at an =
essay test given to our seventh graders. Only one student out of 38 used =
cursive. I think there is a need to learn how to be able to handwrite =
something legibly, but printing is fine. Teachers constantly complain =
they do not have enough time in the day to teach everything they need. =
Take out the time spent on cursive and use it to teach something that =
will have a long term benefit to the students. Renee Ramig Seven Hills =
School [ For info on ISED-L see = ] Submissions to =
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