Friday, August 20, 2010

Re: bullying policies

A forum for independent school educators <ISED-L@LISTSERV.SYR.EDU> writes=
>Our school is the process of putting a bullying policy in to place. =A0W=
e are very interested in what other school have, particularly wording. =A0=
If any of you have advice of things/wording to avoid, I'd love to hear it=
. =A0I would be particularly interested
>in good policies that your school has or that you know of.
please keep this open....we are interested to.

Stephanie Oberle
Technology Coordinator
858-569-7900 ext. 4211
858-602-9747 (cell)
858-569-7403 (fax)

I will be walking my fifth Breast Cancer 3Day in November. If you'd like =
to support me, then please go to Tha=
nk you for your continued support.

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