Friday, February 13, 2009

Re: 21st Century Computer Skills

Some thoughts below:

> OK, but looking at this from a musical perspective,
> don't you have to spend
> a certain amount of time practicing your scales and
> learning a bunch of
> chords (and maybe even a little music theory) before you
> can go out there
> and not only accompany anyone, especially to the point of
> being able to
> cover up their mistakes?

And this is the core of it all: theory and practice need to support each other, and be seen as part of a unified whole.

> Does every student have to figure out for themselves what a
> I-IV-V
> progression is, or can we give them that particular set of
> nuts and bolts as
> a start, and then let them figure out more complex
> progressions as/if they
> need them?

Tailor the instruction to the student. Some will need to be shown the I-IV-V progression, where others will just "get" it. Others may be able to apply it, but not understand where it fits within a larger conceptual framework. None of these are wrong, they are just indications of how different people learn similar things in different ways.

> Is it easier to learn how to use the advanced aspects of a
> tool, or a
> different manufacturer's take on a tool if you've
> been given the basics
> first?

Again, it's hard to come up with a hard and fast approach that will work for everyone. Vary the approach, as different things will work on different days (and sometimes with the same kid).

> Looking at it in a way that's much more relevant
> to the lives of our
> teenaged students, do we expect them to
> "problem-solve" how to drive a car
> on their own, or do we make sure that they have plenty of
> training in how to
> use this potentially dangerous tool?

Training, and self-directed use within a structured environmnent. I don't want to get run over by any wikis anytime soon :)



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