Sunday, March 2, 2008

Parent Involvement Webcast-Monday, March 3rd at 9:00 PM EST

Hello everyone-

Please join us live at 9:00 EST on Monday, March 3rd as the "Parents as =
Partners...Supporting Students in the 21st Century" webcast hosts parent =
involvement expert, Dr. Joyce Epstein. This would be a great event for =
administrators, teachers and parents to participate in. Please forward =
to anyone who you think might be interested. =20

This is a new webcast hosted by the good folks at World Bridges. The =
"Parents as Partners" webcast will take place on the 1st and 3rd Monday =
of each month. Our last two webcasts focused on the topic of "Web2.0 =
tools, students, parents, and schools."

More on tomorrow's talk with Dr. Epstein at:

To listen to past episodes of the "Parents as Partners" webcast, visit:

Likewise, if you know someone who is interested in issues of parent =
involvement and might be interested in joining our conversation in an =
upcoming webcast, please drop me a direct email at =

Hope to "see" some of you in the chatroom tomorrow night at 9:00 EST.


Matt Montagne
University School of Milwaukee
Middle School Instructional Technology Coordinator
Parents as Partners Webcaster
Professional Blog:

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