Friday, March 14, 2008

Re: GameMaker for Mac?

Unity is cross platform, but it is a high end product. They have
educational licensing.

Tim Cooper

A forum for independent school educators <ISED-L@LISTSERV.SYR.EDU> writes:
>Does anyone know of a good alternative for GameMaker that would run on a
>Mac? The people I am working with do not want to dual boot.
>Catherine Wyman
>Program Director, Web Graphic Design
>Acting Program Director, Game and Simulation Programming
>DeVry University
>Office: 602-795-3915
>Cell: 602-692-8327
>Arizona Time Zone
>Second Life: AuntFun Ellison
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Tim Cooper
HS Computer Coordinator
Ninth Grade Dean
K-12 Tech Dept Chairperson
LREI - Little Red Schoolhouse and Elisabeth Irwin HS
40 Charlton St.
New York, NY 10014
212.477.5316 ext 364

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