Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Re: combined library and technology departments


The Blake School merged the library and technology departments in 1999. It hasn't gone as smoothly as the school had hoped, but it is the right decision for Blake. The blur between library/technology becomes more blurry each year. Let me know if you need
additional information. A summary is always nice.


A forum for independent school educators <ISED-L@LISTSERV.SYR.EDU> on Tuesday, March 25, 2008 at 12:06 PM +0000 wrote:
>Greetings --
>I'm doing a bit of research and I'm trying to find some schools that have
>merged their library and technology departments. These can either be
>schools who have always had these departments together or schools that have
>recently merged the two departments.
>Please contact me off-list (cbutler@stjohnsprep.org). If people are
>interested, I'll post a summary list in a week or two.
>Christopher Butler
>Academic Technology Director
>St. John's Preparatory School
>Danvers, MA

Marilyn Kelley Director of ISS
mkelley@blakeschool.org (v) 952-988-3408

(f) 952-988-3412

"It is only with the heart that one can see rightly. What is essential is invisible to the eye." The Little Prince

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