Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Stories of Excellence

Dear Colleagues,

I'd like to put in a plug for the collection of "Stories of Excellence"
on the NAIS ning site. I know that many people on ISED are doing great
work at integrating technology into instruction and I hope you will
submit your favorite projects to NAIS -- It's also great to
read about the great things that are happening. The stated deadline for
submission is April 1st, but perhaps the good folks in Washington will
consider pushing that back due to spring break. NAIS will be publishing
a manuscript with selected entries.

Thanks also for everyone's activity on the ISEnet ning. It has been
amazing to watch its growth and interact with you online at I think that several of the ideas that have
been posted there are worthy of being submitted as Stories of
Excellence. For example, Matt's professional development workshops,
Lisa's teachers' use of, Jenni's internet safety workshops,
and many many more :)


Demetri Orlando
Battle Ground Academy
Franklin, TN

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