Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Faculty/Teacher AUP

We have a clause in our Employee Handbook that states:


"Anyone using the school's technologies consents to monitoring by the
Technology Department. If such monitoring reveals possible evidence of
criminal activity, the Headmaster may provide the content of such
monitoring to law enforcement and national defense agencies."


1. We use Remote Control a lot to work on individual computers. Do any
of you have a policy or procedure in your Technology Department that
addresses letting a user know ahead of time that you will be remote
controlled into his/her computer?


2. What are your thoughts on requiring that an employee monitor be
placed in such a manner that it is easily viewed by others?


Lest I give the wrong impression.... We have excellent faculty and
staff, but I want to think ahead to possible future challenges.


Kathy Moore

Director of Technology

All Saints Episcopal School

Tyler, Texas

903.579.6000 x1208



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