Thursday, March 13, 2008

Re: Computer/Keyboarding Rubrics

I don't have any rubrics for keyboarding, but would be interested to see
what you find.

I do have rubrics for many other projects grades 3-6 that I would be
happy to share. Some projects include Microworlds/LOGO programming
grades 3 and 5 5; Travel project 5th grade; digital storytelling 6th
grade; hyperstudio or ppt landforms project 3rd grade; web
page/creative writing project 4th grade; social studies research project
4th grade.

If you're looking for another type of project, let me know. These are
the projects off the top of my head.

Good luck!

Jayme Johnson
Director of Academic Technology

Village School
780 Swarthmore Avenue
Pacific Palisades, California 90272
310-459-8411 x120

-----Original Message-----
From: Windy Glahn []=20
Sent: Thursday, March 13, 2008 9:13 AM
Subject: Computer/Keyboarding Rubrics

Hello to all,
I am a first year teacher to young students and loving every minute
of it. I am looking for some help as I am in process of developing a
rubric so I thought this would be the place to turn too. I teach 3rd
through 6th grade computer apps and keyboarding. Does anyone have and
would like to share with me samples of your rubrics. Any information
you can provide me with would be greatly appreciated.

Wind Glahn
Technology Instructor
Powhatan School - Boyce, VA

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