Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Re: Synesthesia Subject Survey

Thanks to all who replied to the survey below. There were not a lot of
replies but some who replied clearly do have color/word or color/letter
synesthesia and their clearly felt and detailed replies were delightful to

The compiled results, are available here:

A few years ago I made a SketchUp model which I called Reason vs Emotion in
which I guess I kind of let my color/subject feelings show.. so to speak.

Thanks again to all who shared your colors!


PS There are lots of shades of blue, red, green, etc. In making my chart I
chose shades that worked for me. My apologies in advance to those of you who
are passionate about your colors.

On Wed, Mar 17, 2010 at 7:57 AM, Fred Bartels <> wrote:

> While doing some user interface prototyping I wondered if there might be
> any shared color synesthesia with subject areas. There probably isn't, but I
> thought it would be interesting to check... just in case.
> So, if you have a free minute, please respond directly to me with the color
> you associate with the following subject areas. Don't think about it, just
> whatever color (if any) pops into your head. :-)
> Math/Sci=
> Eng/Hum=
> Languages=
> Arts=
> PE=
> I will compile and share the results with the list.
> Thanks,
> Fred
> PS What is synesthesia? See:
> --
> Fred Bartels
> Dir. of Info. Tech.
> Rye Country Day School

Fred Bartels
Dir. of Info. Tech.
Rye Country Day School

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