Thursday, December 13, 2007

2008 Summer Teacher Workshops

As an initiative of its Center for Professional Development, Shady Side
Academy (Pittsburgh, PA) is presenting a series of workshops designed
for secondary school teachers interested in bringing innovative
approaches to their teaching.

"Physics First: Modeling Instruction for Ninth Grade Algebra-Based
Physics" will be offered June 30 - July 3. "Modeling Instruction in
Physics: Mechanics" will be offered July 7-11. "Modeling Instruction
Physics: Electricity and Magnetism" will be offered July 14-18. Dr.
Kathy Malone, lead mentor, has been conducting modeling workshops since
1988. In addition, we are also presenting "Modeling Instruction in
Chemistry," June 23-27 and a national first, "Modeling Instruction in
Biology," June 23-27.

We will also offer two math workshops, "Algebra using TI Technology,"
and "Geometry using TI Technology," and an American history workshop,
"Industrialization, Immigration, Ethnicity, Gender, and Race in 19th
Century Urban America."

We hope you or your colleagues might join us. For more information: or 412-968-3045 for a flyer.

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