Friday, December 14, 2007

1-1 Laptop program evaluation request


My school has had a 1-1 student laptop program in place for about 7 years. Our technology committee is in the process of evaluating the program and would like to know what other schools, independent schools in particular, are doing in terms of 1-1 programs.

Some of the questions we?re tackling for our program:
? What should be the grade level configuration?
? What access is optimal at each grade?
? Might carts be a better model for some grades?
? Should some grades have more restrictions than others?
? How are independent schools paying for the technology? School purchase? Parent purchase? Parent lease? Tech fees? Other?
? Who determines make/model of laptop?
o Mac vs Windows
o Mixed platform with standard spec/cross-platform
o Traditional laptop vs. Tablet
o Software suites
? What are some exemplary independent schools with 1-1 programs?

I?d appreciate any feedback you can provide on the topic. I?d like to compile the info, resources and examples I find into a wiki for the committee.

I'll gladly share the resources with anyone who provides feedback :-)


Tami Brass
MS Technology Coordinator
St. Paul Academy & Summit School

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