Friday, November 28, 2008

Re: Replacing Written Report Cards/ Trimester System


We do student-led conferences. There is a book available at the NMSA
website co-authored by Patti Kinney detailing the techniques. Briefly,
here's what we do:

1. Students complete a goals update form in advisory.
2. They self-reflect on each of their courses and each non-course
aspect of the program (student government, community service,
athletics...). Some teachers use a generic form, others design a
specific form for their course.
3. They select a work sample for each of their courses.
4. They assemble it all in a portfolio.
5. They read all self-reflections word for word to their parents, and
present the work samples, commenting on why the work sample was chosen
and what it shows about their work. Parents may ask clarifying
questions, but we try to steer them away from the more judgmental kind
of question.

That's it in a nutshell! The kids, for the most part, like being more
in control, though it does take a lot of preparation time on their
part. Most parents like learning so much about what their kids are
doing; only the most competitive, achievement-oriented parents (and
not all of them) prefer the traditional system. If you have additional
questions, please don't hesitate to ask.

Take care,
Bill Ivey
Stoneleigh-Burnham School

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