Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Re: Questions regarding AUPs, Social Networking & School Email Adrresses

We are in the process of evaluating all of our acceptable use policies from staff to students. The issue of social networking sites and acceptable Internet use have come up in several discussions. We have not yet found a clear direction for this. At this time, we allow access to social networking
sites. Our students do not have school provided email, but the students have created several school networking groups on the various sites.

I am a parent of two teenagers as well and my policy is that I have to have access to my kids' sites and pages. I promised not to embarrass them by adding comments or posting old pictures. My position is that I have to look out for their safety and as young adults they may not always recognize that
they could be in danger. So far this has worked in my home.

I also think that as a school we have a responsibility to educate our students about appropriate Internet use from blogs to bulletin boards to social networking sites. Acceptable use has many permeatations, but I think the underlying ideas are honesty, respect for others and an understanding that
the posted comment can be just as hurtful to others as other forms of communications.

As we work through defining our AUPs, I'll pass along the information.



Martha Cunningham
Director of Technology
Sandy Spring Friends School
Sandy Spring, MD

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