Monday, March 30, 2009

Re: Online Unification and Synthesis

Surprisingly, I pretty much agree with just about everything Dan says
on this topic. :)

We started the process a year ago by building a local "Nexus" database
(our own name) to simply rationalize our constituents and get everyone
a unique "Human ID." Soon after it become apparent that having a
common "Family ID" and "Household ID" weren't bad ideas either.

Our roadmap forward currently includes having the common IDs known by
all systems that need to automatically exchange information, and we're
working on secure XML streams from database APIs as a possbility for
achieving at least the one-way data pull scenarios.

Similar to Dan, we have HR as authoritative for employees (anyone who
gets a pay check) and SIS as authoritative for family demographics.
Both need to talk to accounts, for obvious reasons.

It's a slow process leading this forward, but having the long-range
plans in mind can make the shorter-term decisions easier to make.

Jim Heynderickx

On Mon, Mar 30, 2009 at 6:02 AM, Daniel Hudkins <> wrote:
> An enormously belated response
> As Jim knows, this has been one of my projects going back quite some
> time - and no factors to be included keep popping up, nevertheless...

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