Monday, March 23, 2009

ISED/Student laptop re-imaging over the summer

Dear 1:1 Schools,

We're completing our 1st 1:1 year and beginning to formulate our summer
re-imaging plans. We know for sure that we will re-image every student
laptop. Our 1:1 program includes allowing students to store personal data
on the laptop. Our re-imaging will basically consist of installing the
School laptop standard image, so all personal data (i.e. iTunes) are the
responsibility of each student. The Tech Staff will not back up or
restore personal data. We're estimating that each student would be
without his or her laptop for one week while it's being re-imaged.

So, I would really appreciate your advice regarding the re-imaging
process. . .
When do you do it?
How long do you keep each laptop?
How do you ensure every student turns in his or her laptop ON TIME?
Do you do any "re-orientation" as part of the re-imaging process?

Thanks much,

Director of Technology

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