Monday, January 7, 2008

Catalog Canceling Challenge

Happy New Year to my ISED-L friends,

I would like to share with you a terrific example of how young (and old)
children can participate in a "green" project that is both meaningful and
age appropriate. Ted Wells, a talented grade 4 teacher here at The Park
School, has challenged other classrooms in our school and in other schools
to see how many unwanted catalogs can be canceled, thereby saving a huge
amount of resources and helping our environment. He and his students have
created several wonderful videos to show you what they have done, and to
encourage other schools to take up this friendly challenge.

You can find Ted's students' videos and other "green" resources on Ted's

If you do try this at your school, please e-mail Ted and his students to
let them know what you are up to. Ted would like to share photos and your
experience on his blog. Ted can be reached at

Whenever I get discouraged about the future, all I need to do is to walk
down the grade 4 hallway. :)

-Tom Smith, The Park School, Brookline, MA 02445

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