Wednesday, November 28, 2007

volunteers needed, narrow criteria

For a small and presumably fun project I am looking for one or two
volunteers who meet pretty exactly the following criteria:

You graduated from an independent school in the U.S. in 1968. Better
still, your school was a boarding school (bonus points for not in New
England, maybe). You are a career independent school
teacher/administrator, and you like to think deeply about how these
schools work and how they are evolving. Perhaps you are even a member of a
traditionally underrepresented minority in such schools.

If you or anyone you know (look around your faculty room) fit this
description and would be interested in helping me out with a
not-so-burdensome little enterprise this winter, please get in touch with
me, off list (of course).

Many thanks as always to the wonderful ISED populace--Peter Gow

Peter Gow, Director of College Counseling and Special Programs
Beaver Country Day School
791 Hammond Street
Chestnut Hill, MA 02467
Tel. 617-738-2755
FAX 617-738-2701

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