Friday, November 16, 2007

Fathom Survey -- Spine Compression

Posted for David Kapolka

Hi all,

I am working on the first online Fathom course. At the moment it is a pilot and may be revised.

One of the things I must do is conduct an online survey.

I need folks to complete the survey at the web link below.

There are 4 questions to answer, but they will require the participant to make a couple of height measurements, one before bedtime, one in the morning. I'd like to include adults as well as school age children.

If you are interested, go to the website and submit your data.

Here are the questions you will be asked. The data will be collected anonymously, so don't be concerned about being recognized. You may enter data for more than one person. Submit your whole family or a class of students! It is an interesting experiment I have done in my class in the past. The data can be very interesting.

Please give:
1. your age in months,
2. your gender,
3. your morning height to the nearest tenth of a centimeter,
4. your bedtime height to the nearest tenth of a centimeter.

You will need a

Username : tsfstudent

Password: tsf1029

Thanks for your participation. This experiment was once proposed by NASA, among others. It has to do with the spine compressing during the day (especially among kids wearing backpacks) and relaxing at night. I'll post the results to those who participate. For the curious among you, the tsf is for teaching stats with Fathom. The 1029 was the first day of class.

Survey website:

Thanks for your help,

David Kapolka

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