Thursday, November 29, 2007

Google Highly Open Participation Contest

My apologies for the cross-posting:

The Google Highly Open Participation Contest (GHOP) is
"new effort to get young people (ages 13-18) involved
in open source development."

Several projects (Apache Software Foundation, Drupal,
GNOME, Joomla!, MoinMoin, Mono, Moodle, Plone, Python,
SilverStripe) are participating.

For details, see here:

For those specifically interested in working with
Drupal, the group supporting students working in the
project is here:

For students, this is an opportunity to get directly
involved in open source development. For tech
instructors, this is also a chance to get directly
involved in open source development, and to learn more
about a specific project.

It's almost too good to be true!




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